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Diaper Rash, Diaper Rash Diaper Rash…What to Do? What to Do? What to Do? Grandma El to the Rescue!
Robert M. Posner
Before the rescue, lets learn more about Diaper Rashwhat can cause it, how it can progress if untreated, and how to prevent secondary bacterial and fungal infections which can invade improperly cared for babies bottoms.
The main cause of diaper dermatitis is simply contact of urine on the skin. Between diaper changes, urine begins to break down into ammonia and other chemical by-products. Fecal matter in the diaper area, between diaper changes, can cause the rapid proliferation of bacteria and or fungus which can infect the already irritated diaper area.
Obviously, the breakdown of urine, its continual contact with the skin, and resulting skin irritation, begins the all too common diaper rash syndrome. It was thought that Luvs, Pampers and other disposable diapers would be a better answer than the common cloth diaper. The new diapers were better. But diaper rash is still an all too persistent and difficult problem to deal withuntil Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention, everything else either didnt work too well, or did not work at all.
The most important treatment in healing diaper rash is PREVENTION!
Prevent urine from coming into contact with the babys tender skin by putting a barrier on the skin that prevents urine and fecal matter from contact with tender bottoms by barrier action. Grandma Els, as its smoothed on babys diaper area (peri-anal) creates a barrier that allows the skin to breathe or respirate, while keeping moisture and other irritants from penetrating to the skin. This preventative action of Grandma Els is accompanied by a healing, soothing action to stop the beginning of irritation that produces Diaper Rash.
It is important that the skin is always able to breathe or respirate to induce the healing process. Many diaper rash products are heavy creams, pastes or lotions. While some will create a barrier to keep moisture away from the skin, these products DO NOT have the capability of allowing the skin to breathe. Thereby, the existing moisture can not be released and the healing process is hindered dramatically. It is recommended that you use a semi-occlusive ointment such as Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention.
Used for over 30 years in treating and preventing infantile and geriatric diaper dermatitis, Grandma Els is available to all.RIGHT NOW!!
These are some frequently asked questions about diaper rash:
What is diaper rash?
1. It is an irritation of the skin in the peri-anal area that is most often caused by ammonia forming due to urine breakdown.
What causes diaper rash?
1. It is caused by prolonged contact of a urine soaked diaper on a babys skin. The skin turns red and tissue breaks down, creating a rash. This worsens as the skin remains in contact with urine and feces.
2. Chafing or rubbing of diaper or pull ups on the area
3. Possible allergic reaction to diaper
4. Bacterial or fungal infection in rash area
5. Allergic reaction to food can cause urine to be irritating
Who can get diaper rash?
1. It is common on babies between the ages of 2-24 months
2. It also can occur on babies whose diapers are not changed frequently
3. It may also occur on babies who are taking antibiotics or are nursing while mother might be taking antibiotics
4. It can also occur on babies as they begin to eat solid foods (allergic reaction)
What are the symptoms of diaper rash?
1. Red, irritated, and possibly warm skin in and around the stomach, genitals, and inside the skin folds of the thighs and bottom
2. Pain, burning and itching, and an unhappy baby!
Is diaper rash contagious?
1. Diaper rash is almost never a contagious skin condition
What do I do if my child has diaper rash?
1. Apply Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention at every diaper change, after cleansing the area well, and blotting dry
How can I prevent diaper rash?
1. Apply Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention with every diaper change
2. Change your babys diaper often, and keep the area dry and clean
3. Use a gentle cleanser formulated especially for babies skin
4. After washing your baby, gently pat dry the area, do not rub the area
5. Make sure the diapers used fit properly, so they do not rub against the skin
How long does diaper rash usually last?
1. In general without treatment, a diaper rash will last several days if not infected. If left untreated, a severe case can last up to 10-14 days or more
2. In most cases, Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention can clear diaper rash within 24 hours
What types of products are not acceptable in treating diaper rash?
1. Ointments, with the exception of Grandma Els are occlusive, preventing skin respiration. Only a semi-occlusive ointment, such as Grandma Els works properly.
2. Creams are usually somewhat drying, have no protective activity, and allow all types of external stimuli (urine, feces, and allergens) to contact the skin causing further problems. Therefore, creams are not a good choice for a babys rash treatment.
3. Lotions are not protective at all, and therefore have little value in treating or preventing diaper rash.
4. Some soaps and detergents can cause allergic sensitivity to further the breakdown of babys delicate bottom.
Should I call my pediatrician?
1. If after several days, the rash is still visible, consult your pediatrician
2. If the rash has blisters or bumps, is oozing pus or bleeding, consult your pediatrician
3. If your baby has a rash and fever, consult your physician
4. If your baby has a rash and has urine that smells stronger than usual, or many loose stools, consult your pediatrician
5. If after properly treating your babys diaper rash, it still persists, consult your pediatrician
What other types of diaper rash occur if proper treatment is not begun?
Rash can further break down allowing either bacteria, or fungus to take hold and infect the skin. Common organisms causing the infection are E. Coli (bacteria) and other fungal infections such as Candida Albicans
How can I treat diaper rash infected with bacteria or fungi?
Consult your physician immediately and he or she will prescribe a suitable anti-bacterial or anti-fungal product to eradicate the infection
What other types of diaper dermatitis exist?
Contact irritants such as urine, fecal matter, poison ivy, oak or sumac, insect bites, soap allergy, rough rather than soft clothing causing skin abrasions, infrequent diaper changes, and poor skin cleansing techniques
Is diaper rash a common problem?
Yes, diaper rash is a common problem. To help prevent diaper rash, change diapers frequently, keep the area dry, and use no cloth diapers. Definitely use Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention. The common problem will disappear!
Grandma Els to the rescue!!
If you have other questions, please email them to info@grandmaels.com or visit our website at www.grandmaels.com.
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Diaper Rash, Diaper Rash Diaper Rash…What to Do? What to Do? What to Do? Grandma El to the Rescue!}